
·        Bruce Wood , General Manager Continental Airlines Vacations, managed Bibi indirectly at Certified Vacations

 “Bibi is a dedicated employee who takes personal responsibility for her assigned duties and can manage multiple tasks simultaneously. She has a strong work ethic, takes direction well and understands the company's objectives. She is sensitive to timelines and has developed very strong relationships with her supplier partners in the travel industry.” April 2, 2009

·        Deborah Colangelo , Senior Director Product Development, managed Bibi at Certified Vacations

 “Hard-working and dedicated are the first two words that come to mind when I think about Bibi. She always looked for more responsibility and was an absolute pleasure to work with. She would be a positive addition to any team.” May 27, 2009

·        Michelle Galindo , Senior Sales Manager, Hotel Monaco New Orleans  contractor to Bibi at Certified Vacations

 “A true business partner, Bibi Ricci is exceptional at creating synergies between hotels and the distribution channels she represents. She is concise in her work and direct in her communication. In the age of multi-tasking and efficiencies, Bibi appreciates the meaning of getting things done right away. I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and look forward to the opportunity to do so again.” June 1, 2009

·        Mariana Breitman , Graphic Designer – Web/Print, worked with Bibi at Certified Vacations

 “Bibi is an amazing team player, always willing to go the extra mile to get the job done. Detail oriented and great communication skills. We worked together translating several promotional pieces from English to French and Spanish and her feedback was always taken into consideration. She has a lot to bring to the table. I feel honor to recommend her, she can be an incredible asset to any company.” May 27, 2009

·        Christine Combs , Web Content Producer, worked with Bibi at Certified Vacations

 “Bibi is a diligent, hardworking buyer who was always willing to go the extra mile to assist with acquiring the proper information and photos for me so that I had complete webpage content to publish to the website. She was always a pleasure to deal with on the phone and through emails where she promptly answered inquirers and handled difficult situations.” May 28, 2009

·        Enid Richter , Director of Sales, managed Bibi indirectly at Certified Vacations

 “Bibi's work ethic is an asset to any company. She worked tirelessly and always came through when you needed her. Her follow up skills are excellent and she has a broad knowledge of the travel industry.” May 27, 2009

·        Jacinthe "Jaz" Roy , Director Product Development, managed Bibi at Certified Vacations

 “Bibiana is a self-starter who will teach herself what she needs to know to improve her skills and perform any task better. She is very detailed and conscientious in her work, flexible and constantly demonstrates initiative. Bibi is a hard worker, very professional and will be a great asset to any company. June 1, 2009

·        Ruth Kelly , Customer Service Team Leader, worked with Bibi at Certified Vacations

 “Bibi is a very dependable and dedicated worker. She has a wealth of product knowledge, and brings energy and enthusiasm to the work place. It was a pleasure to work with Bibi.” May 31, 2009

·        Carmela Youdovich , Destination Specialist, Certified Vacations worked with Bibi at Certified Vacations.

 “Bibi and I worked together on many work assignments and had to complete large loads of work in a quickly timely manner. Bibi always stepped up to the plate by being detailed oriented and a hard worker. She always has the desire to complete her work to satisfactory. If I had to call her with a question, immediately she gave the issue top priority and quickly replied with an answer to speed up the process. You can always count on Bibi to get the job done quickly and efficiently.” June 3, 2009